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Thursday, June 24, 2010

My Writing..

Is about to start full force!

I am no longer Employed (by choice) and can stay home with my daughter, and also be able to write at every nap time!

Having this job has sucked the writing out of my life and it has put a toll on me. Dont get me wrong, I dont want to offend anyone, I am very grateful that we have an income and can survive. I am extremely grateful that my husband makes enough money so I can stay home with our kids.

I can not wait to get my story out of my head and on paper! I have had dreams upon dreams and have not had the time to write them all down.

Thank you God for the blessings you have given us!


  1. hey hey mama!!! Sharif loves this!!!

  2. Sharif! haha you finally read it! lol

  3. yuppers... great job... you write much better outta the environs of work....

  4. lol yeah, office work..not for me lol
